Metz . Bailey . McLoughlin


Attorneys For Today,
Counselors For Life

Metz, Bailey & McLoughlin, LLP provides
customized estate planning, probate,
and business law services to clients
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Attorneys For Today,
Counselors For Life

Metz . Bailey . McLoughlin



Attorneys For Today,
Counselors For Life

Attorneys For Today,
Counselors For Life

Metz, Bailey & McLoughlin, LLP provides
customized estate planning and
business law services to clients
throughout Ohio

3 reasons to preplan your funeral

On Behalf of | Jan 29, 2024 | estate planning | 0 comments

When considering your estate plan, it is important to think beyond just financial matters.

One aspect often overlooked is funeral preplanning. While it may not be a pleasant topic, including funeral arrangements in your estate plan can bring numerous benefits for both you and your loved ones.

1. Ensure the honoring of your wishes

By preplanning your funeral as part of your estate plan, you can ensure that your final wishes unfold exactly as you desire. From the type of service to the music played, you have the opportunity to specify every detail. This alleviates the burden on your family members, who might otherwise struggle to make these decisions during a difficult time.

2. Provide financial relief for loved ones

Funerals can be expensive, averaging $7,195 in Ohio, and the costs often come unexpectedly for grieving families. By pre-planning and setting aside funds for your funeral, you can ease the financial burden on your loved ones. This allows them to focus on mourning and honoring your memory rather than worrying about how to cover the expenses.

3. Minimize family disputes

Family disagreements can arise when there is uncertainty about funeral arrangements. By clearly outlining your preferences in your estate plan, you can minimize the potential for conflicts among your relatives. Your documented wishes serve as a guide, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings or disagreements during an already emotional time.

Preplanning your funeral brings peace of mind. Knowing that you have taken care of this aspect of your end-of-life arrangements allows you to focus on living your life to the fullest without worrying about what will happen after you are gone.

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