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Attorneys For Today,
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Metz . Bailey . McLoughlin



Attorneys For Today,
Counselors For Life

Attorneys For Today,
Counselors For Life

Metz, Bailey & McLoughlin, LLP provides
customized estate planning and
business law services to clients
throughout Ohio

Identify your zoning basics before pursuing a municipal project

On Behalf of | Dec 22, 2022 | Municipal Law | 0 comments

No matter what your municipal objective is, whether that means drafting ordinances, managing property issues or negotiating certain contracts, you will need to know as much detail about the case as possible. Failing to do so may lead to avoidable hurdles mid-project.

Zoning is a complex area to learn about, but knowing the basics may help you know what to look for when pursuing a municipal project in Ohio.

Zoning in Ohio

Zoning laws support public health and safety and, as the Ohio Department of Health explains, create exact regulations for residential, commercial and industrial builds. This includes types of zoning like:

  • Euclidean zoning
  • Conservation zoning
  • Inclusionary zoning

Euclidean zoning emphasizes separation between residential, commercial and industrial zones. Single-family districts limit builds to single-family homes, multi-family districts allow for single-family homes as well as apartments. These restrictions all but vanish in industrial districts, which allow for all uses.

Conservation zoning protects the environment and natural resources while allowing certain, concentrated development. Inclusionary zoning requires development to include low-cost housing to make up for any displacements.

Zoning permits in Ohio

When securing first approval from the municipal government, it is important to review zoning requirements. When you provide the details for your developmental project, having things within these requirements helps reduce your chances of denial.

Taking your case to the Board of Zoning Appeals is a process that takes time, whether you seek a standard permit or find yourself appealing a denied case. Knowing as much as you can about your unique case may help things go smoother.

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