Given that municipalities in Ohio involve a community’s well-being, municipal contracts play a considerable role in community development. Making sure that your municipal agreements meet the expectations of everyone involved is an ongoing process.
Knowing some strategies for improving a contract’s effectiveness may help you to strengthen the agreements your municipality has with other entities.
Revisit older agreements
Some contractual relationships provide considerable benefits to your city that extend several years. Considering the advantage of such relationships, you may agree to repeatedly renew certain agreements. However, keep in mind that with time, some contracts may need updating to keep them as effective as they once were.
If you choose to make changes to any contract, notify the other parties of your intentions. You may need to issue a rough draft to verify everyone’s understanding, as well as their approval of an update before signing a formal agreement. According to the U.S. Small Business Association, experts recommend that you hire a legal professional to oversee the process of procuring, updating and implementing contractual agreements of this caliber.
Assess current relationships
One of the most effective ways to improve any business relationship is to regularly assess what works and what does not. Periodically review each municipal contract you have and determine whether or not changes could improve a relationship’s benefit for everyone involved. You can also solicit feedback from contract participants to get their ideas for potential improvements.
Spending adequate time and resources on developing strong municipal contracts can help your city capitalize on opportunities. Improving contractual relationships can impact the community as a whole and facilitate success.