Metz . Bailey . McLoughlin


Attorneys For Today,
Counselors For Life

Metz, Bailey & McLoughlin, LLP provides
customized estate planning, probate,
and business law services to clients
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Attorneys For Today,
Counselors For Life

Metz . Bailey . McLoughlin



Attorneys For Today,
Counselors For Life

Attorneys For Today,
Counselors For Life

Metz, Bailey & McLoughlin, LLP provides
customized estate planning and
business law services to clients
throughout Ohio

Why should you talk to your family about your will?

On Behalf of | Dec 1, 2020 | estate planning | 0 comments

Ohio residents like you may not want to discuss your estate plan in detail. You may think that talking it out makes it feel too real. This can be a deeply discomforting experience for you and your loved ones.

But you need to talk about your will with your family at some point. Why should you do it, and how can you convince them that it is important?

Avoid misunderstandings and surprises

The Guardian highlights the importance of discussing your will. First, it allows you to remove any element of surprise. The last thing mourning family and friends need are surprises, whether good or bad. Experts warn that even a pleasant surprise can emotionally overwhelm the intended recipient.

Talking about your will leaves little room for misinterpretation, too. Most beneficiaries do not interpret your will in bad faith. If you trust them as a beneficiary, they likely would not do anything to undermine your wishes, either. But if you do not discuss the terms of your will clearly, you could create misunderstandings. They can get out of hand despite everyone’s best intentions.

Achieve a sense of normalcy

The more you talk about it, the more “normal” it will feel. This helps break down the stigma surrounding end of life planning. It can also teach your children how to handle their own wills in the future, and facilitate open discussion about what you want at the end of your life.

Finally, it gives you the chance to talk in detail about your personal matters. This includes medical plans, inheritance, assets, stocks and more. If you get to lay it all out at once, you can get everyone on the same page.

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